Superhero Embroidery Project for Valentine's Day

Posted by on Feb 13, 2013

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embroidery project for Valentine's Day

Are you celebrating National Embroidery Month with us? We're loving this superhero embroidery pattern by Rachael of imagine gnats, with its special ability to fill our hearts with love and craftiness. You can purchase the pattern and all the supplies needed to make her embroidery project, including floss, a stitch guide, a 7" wooden embroidery hoop, needle and linen fabric. If you don't have time to craft for Valentine's Day, don't worry. There's always a good reason to share your love of crafting with someone special! Also check out these 6 free embroidery projects for beginners.
Find more embroidery projects and crafty inspiration at imagine gnats, and download some of Rachael's free Valentine's Day printables for a last-minute gift.

