Strawberry Shortcake and Chocolate Truffles Quilt
Posted by Aug 22, 2011
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Quilter Sandy Bonsib says of the Strawberry Shortcake and Chocolate Truffles Quilt: "I played with colors that don’t usually go together." Warm yellow and red fabrics nestle alongside a crisp black and white checkerboard, creating a cheerful and bright blanket. Read on to get the free quilt pattern, or check out the decadent dessert that inspired this quilt.
Quilted by: Carrie Peterson
Finished Quilt Size: 761/2˝ × 761/2˝
-Tracing paper
-Sharp pencil
-Water-soluble fabric marker
-No. 8 sharp needle
-No. 22 chenille needle
-9 different red fabrics, 1/4 yard each
-9 different yellow fabrics, 1/3 yard each
-1 black fabric (sateen recommended), 2/3 yard
-1 white fabric (sateen recommended), 2/3 yard
For the border:
-1 red print fabric, 21/3 yards
Backing fabric:
-5 yards*
*If fabric is less than 44˝ you will need 7 yards (2 horizontal seams).
Binding fabric:
-2/3 yard
-82˝ × 82˝
Red and Yellow Fabrics
1. From 8 of the 9 yellow fabrics, cut
1 strip 21/2˝ × 42˝. (You will not need
to cut 1 of the yellow fabrics.)
2. From each yellow strip, cut 3 rectangles
21/2˝ × 61/2˝ for a total of 24 yellow
3. From each of 9 red and 9 yellow
fabrics, cut 1 strip 7˝ × 42˝.
4. From each strip, cut 2 squares 7˝ × 7˝
for a total of 18 red and 18 yellow
5. Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side
of each yellow square.
6. From each remaining 7˝-wide strip
(approximately 28˝ length), cut lengthwise
2 strips 3˝ × 28˝ for a total of 18 red
and 18 yellow strips.
8. Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side
of each yellow square.
Black and White Fabrics
9. From each fabric, cut 8 strips
21/2˝ × 42˝ for a total of 8 black
and 8 white strips.
10. From 1 black strip only,
cut 4 squares 21/2˝ × 21/2˝.
11. Draw a diagonal line on the wrong side
of each black square.
12. Cut the borders lengthwise,
parallel to the selvage.
13. Cut 2 strips 81/2˝ × 601/2˝.
14. Cut 2 strips 81/2˝ × 761/2˝.
Make sure your 1/4˝ seam allowance is accurate—all blocks assume an accurate 1/4˝ seam.
Making the Blocks
2. Press seams toward the red fabric. Each pair of squares yields 2 Half-Square
triangles. Use the remaining red 7˝ and yellow 7˝ squares to make a total of 36
Half-Square triangles.
4. Pair 1 red 3˝ square and 1 yellow 3˝ square, right sides together.
3. Repeat to make 36 blocks total.
Filler Units
1. Sew 1 black and 1 white strip, right
sides together. Press seams toward the
black fabric. Cut each strip set into 16
Half-Four-Patch units 21/2˝ wide.
Arrange 4 blocks.
4. Sew 4 Half-Four-Patch unit4s1 t5o.egpesther end-to-end. Press
seams toward the black squares. Make 2. Sew to side of Center
block. Press toward black-and-white squares.
9. Sew these units to the top and bottom of the Center block
unit. Press seams toward the black-and-white squares and
16. Sew 14 Half-Four-Patch units together end-to-end. Press
seams toward the black squares.
17. Sew the 14 Half-Four-Patch unit sections to the sides of the
Center block unit as shown in the Quilt Assembly Diagram.
18. Sew 15 Half-Four-Patch units together end-to-end. Press
seams toward the black squares.
19. Sew the 15 Half-Four-Patch unit sections to the top and
bottom of the Center block unit as shown in the Quilt Assembly
Diagram. Press seams toward the black-and-white squares.
1. Fold the quilt top to find midpoints
on the sides, and mark with pins. Fold
the red 601/2˝ border strips to find midpoints,
and mark with pins. With right
sides together, match the pins, match
and pin the ends of the border strips and
the quilt top, and put pins at the approximate
quarter points. Sew 1 red 601/2˝
border strip to each side of the quilt top.
Press seams toward the border strips.
2. In a similar manner, matching midpoints,
quarter points, and ends, sew
the 761/2˝ red border strips to the top
and bottom edges of the quilt top. Press
seams toward the borders. See the Quilt
Assembly Diagram, right.
3. Layer the top with batting and
backing. Quilt and bind as desired.
Excerpted from Patchwork Party: 10 Festive Quilts & the Recipes that Inspired Them by Sandy Bonsib, published by C&T Publishing.


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