Six Chicken Dinner Recipes for Fall
Posted by Oct 12, 2015
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As Autumn arrives in full swing and the winter months approach, every home chef needs a chicken dinner recipe in his or her arsenal. Served fresh from the oven and seasoned to perfection, few would turn down one of these delicious chicken meals -- and each of these six chicken recipes is sure to impress amateurs and experts alike. Try cooking one, or share your favorite chicken recipe in the comments section!
We consider garlic both our cooking's secret weapon and its multi-tool -- everything tastes better with garlic, especially chicken! This recipe for Pollo al Ajillo is native to Spain and is a cultural gem. Seasoned with allspice, paprika, and a boatload of garlic, this chicken recipe will yield delicious, savory chicken ready to be devoured.
If you enjoy tender, spicy meat served over rice, this recipe for Chicken Tikka Masala is just what you've been waiting for. Cheaper than going out, this recipe is amazing for the wallet and the tastebuds (though not so much for the waistline -- but everything in moderation, right?!).
Now, this chicken recipe should not be exclusively used for fall. Oh no, this recipe for Bacon-Wrapped Apple BBQ Chicken should make an appearance year-round in your kitchen. But the combination of honey barbecue and fresh apples makes this sweet and savory dish particularly enjoyable in the fall. This recipe is intended to be made in a slow cooker, but you can easily modify the process to cook on the grill or in the oven for extra crisp.
Celery, carrots and onions are some of the cheapest vegetables found in the grocery store, making this recipe for chicken noodle soup good for your wallet and your appetite! This recipe guides you through making a delicious chicken noodle soup from scratch. Bonus points if you make the noodles on your own, too.
Roast chicken is pretty much the easiest but impressive dinner a person can make. And it doesn't get any easier than roast chicken made in the crockpot. Slow-cooked to perfection, this recipe makes chicken with crispy skin and tender meat, all alongside savory and seasoned root vegetables. You can't beat a succulent and affordable crockpot meal!
Your cookbooks have no shortage of stews, soups, and stocks for fall chicken recipes, but what if you want an alternative that is still fresh, customizable, and healthy? Well, lettuce wraps are your answer. This recipe for chicken lettuce wraps seasons chicken, rice noodles, and vegetables in a chili sauce, but home cooks can replace virtually anything in a lettuce wrap: make them cajun-inspired, replace them for shells on taco night, or use falafel and yogurt sauce to go Greek.


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