Showcase Your Crafty World in a CraftFoxes Dashboard!
Posted by Oct 30, 2012
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Chances are if you're an avid crafter you have plenty you want to showcase, from the latest cap you're knitting to a favorite dress made by a friend. We designed the CraftFoxes dashboard so members can showcase their crafty world on one page.
Whenever you add a project, how-to or gallery to the site, it will be automatically added to your Dashboard (pictured above). Avatars of your friends and thumbnails of favorited items appear there as well. You can easily check what your fellow CraftFoxes are up to, as well as the projects and how-tos you’ve uploaded.
Other folks who browse your profile will also be able to easily view your work.
Also, if you favorite and friend other folks on the site, something pretty amazing will happen: You'll start getting recommendations from the CraftFoxes system for things you might like.
What do you need to start a Crafty Dashboard? Just sign-up for a CraftFoxes account.
Plenty of other things are changing around the site as well.
Look for more announcements soon.
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