Seven Scrabble Crafts

Posted by on Apr 13, 2017

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An assortment of Scrabble tiles

I don’t know about you, but Scrabble is one of my all-time favorite board games. It’s a great game for you to show off your word knowledge and possibly learn some new words in the process. April 13th is Scrabble Day and we thought the best way to celebrate would be to round up some interesting Scrabble crafts for you to make in preparation for the big day. These seven crafts include some cookies, Scrabble pendants and many variations on the board-game. We hope you find wordy inspiration in these crafting ideas and enjoy Scrabble Day! 

Pillows made to look like Scrabble tiles that spell out the word "home"
Scrabble Pillow

These awesome Scrabble-inspired pillows are a great way to decorate your home and show your love of Scrabble at the same time. Though you can probably find these pillows on Etsy or in a craft store somewhere, they can easily be made on your own, especially because that means you can customize them to your heart’s desire. Choose a fabric that you like and sew them to fit some pillow inserts. Then sew on letters and the point values that appear on actual Scrabble tiles. Be sure to choose letters that will spell out something fun or heart-warming that will welcome people into your home. 
For more information on this Scrabble tile craft, visit this CraftFoxes post.
Cookies in the shape of Scrabble tiles in a bowl
Scrabble Cookies

These amazing Scrabble tile cookies are more of a cooking craft than anything else, but they would be a great snack for game night! In terms of Scrabble tile crafts, I’m willing to bet this is the tastiest one on the list. These Scrabble tiles are actually Meyer Lemon Sugar Cookies cut into 1 inch by ¾ inch squares. Once the cookies are baked, simply ice them and add on a letter and point value, just like a real Scrabble tile. You can use these cookies to play a tasty game of Scrabble and when you’re finished, it’s snack time!
For the complete recipe for this Scrabble tile craft, visit When Adobo Met Feijoada.
A Christmas tree ornament made from Scrabble tiles glued together
Scrabble Tile Ornament

Although Christmas is many months away, it’s never too early to start thinking about what you’ll hang on next year’s tree. For Scrabble fans, this Scrabble tile craft might be just the thing. This ornament is made from Scrabble tiles and is incredibly easy to assemble. Simply choose some Scrabble tiles to spell out the holiday-themed words of your choice, then glue the tiles together (this blog post suggests using Gorilla Glue) and add a ribbon on the back. 
For more information on this Scrabble tile craft, visit oopsey daisy.
Coasters made from Scrabble tiles
Scrabble Tile Coasters

Coasters can be such a boring piece of home decor. Why not spruce them up a bit with some unused Scrabble tiles? This Scrabble tile craft is very easy; all you need is some coasters that you’re not too fond of and a Scrabble game that’s sitting in your closet gathering dust. You can choose the tiles randomly, or arrange them so they spell out words on your coaster. Simply choose your Scrabble tiles, lay them in place and then use rubber glue or another adhesive to stick them to your coasters. Bonus? These are a great way to protect your coffee table on game night!
For complete instructions on this Scrabble tile craft, visit Art is Beauty.
A necklace with a Scrabble tile pendant at the end of a chain
Scrabble Tile Necklace

This Scrabble pendant is a great way to show off your love of words, or simply your love of the game of Scrabble. There are plenty of Scrabble tile pendants out there where crafters cover up their Scrabble tiles with patterned paper or some other adornment. But this craft keeps the letter intact for all of you wordsmiths out there. Simply pierce a hole in your Scrabble tile and insert a pinch bail into the hole. Add a chain and you’ve got a Scrabble tile pendant.
For more information on this Scrabble tile pendant, visit BiblioBags.
A journal made from a Scrabble board with binder rings along the edge
Scrabble Journal

Unfortunately, you’ll need to sacrifice a Scrabble game board to make this craft, so make sure it’s not one that someone uses. First, split your Scrabble board in half with a craft knife. Then cut those pieces down to size for however large or small you’d like your journal. Punch three holes down the side of these pieces and insert binder clips that you can find at your local office supply store. If you’d like, you can add some of the Scrabble pieces to the front of the finished product, labeling it as your journal. 
For complete instructions on this board game craft, visit Go Make Something
Bracelet made from Scrabble tiles with pictures glued on them
Scrabble Tile Bracelet

Scrabble tiles are the perfect candidate for upcycling and repurposing crafts. These tiles, which might just be laying around in a closet, can be used to make this lovely and unique looking bracelet. To make this bracelet, you’ll need about seven Scrabble tiles, depending on the size of your wrist, and enough corresponding pictures or patterns to create a theme in your bracelet. Drill two holes in each tile, glue on your pictures, add some sealant and when everything has dried add two jump rings — one in each hole. Join the tiles together and you’ve got your bracelet.
For more instructions on this Scrabble tile craft, visit Creativity in a Nutshell.

Credits: When Adobo Met Feijoada, Art is Beauty, BiblioBags, Go Make Something, oopsey daisy, Creativity in a Nutshell.

