Sculpt a Menorah Out of Paperclay

Posted by on Dec 14, 2010

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Making a menorah

Hanukkah, a Jewish holiday celebrated at the end of the year, is also known as the "festival of lights." Each evening at sundown the Hanukkah menorah — a special nine-branched candelabra — is lit to commemorates the victory of the Jews over the Greeks, who were seeking to wipe out their religion more then 2,000 years ago. The menorah’s eight branches symbolize the eight days that the menorah in the temple burned for after it was destroyed by the Greeks, even though only one vial of oil was found. The ninth candle, the Shamash, is used to light the other eight. With this craft idea from "Every Day’s a Holiday: Year Round Crafting with Kids," by Heidi Kenney, you can create a very special mini menorah that is just the right size for kids. Always have an adult help with lighting the candles. 

You Will Need
6 oz Paperclay 
1 tablespoon glitter 
9 birthday cake candles 

1. Work the Paperclay with your hands until soft. Add the glitter and mix until the glitter is mixed in well. 
2. Shape the clay into a rectangular shape at least 5 in long. 
3. Use one of the candle bottoms to create 9 holes across the top of your clay menorah. Try to make the holes at least 2 in deep. Allow menorah to dry overnight or for several hours. 
4. Once the menorah is dry, insert all 9 candles. The candles should fit snugly. 
5. On the first night, the candle to the far right is lit, and on the second night the second candle to the right, and so on until the eighth night when all eight candles are lit.

Every Day’s A Holiday: Year-Round Crafting with Kids
Reprinted by permission from "Every Day’s A Holiday: Year-Round Crafting with Kids," by Heidi Kenney; photographs by France Ruffenach. Published by Chronicle Books.

