Repairing Air Conditioners: What You Can DIY and When to Call Professionals

Posted by on Jan 04, 2022

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DIY fixing a broken air conditioner home repair

An air conditioner is one of those appliances you notice more when it isn’t working than when it is. Sure, there are those first five seconds when you walk into a cool room, but that feeling quickly fades into the background like the hum of the condenser. 

Stroll into a steamy room with a subpar air conditioner and soon the heat will be the only anyone can talk about. Inevitably, some knuckle dragger will sidle up to the unit and give it a smack, just to get out his frustration in the name of trying to fix it. 

Some air conditioner problems are easy fixes. Dust tends to build up on the vents and inside the machine, so much that it may even cause them to overheat. This problem can often be handled with a good cleaning. On the other hand, a lot of electricity ripples through these machines and you don’t want to be jamming a screwdriver into the wiring on a hunch. That’s when it makes sense to call a professional. How do you know the difference between a problem that’s an easy DIY fix and when you should call in a pro? Let’s review some of the common AC issues you may encounter and see what could be causing them so you can intelligently assess the situation.

Refrigerant or Water Leakage

Leaking liquids and electricity are rarely a great combo. When you have a dribbling air conditioner, it doesn’t hurt to reach out to a professional and describe the issue. That leak may be a little deal or a big one, but it usually doesn’t hurt to check. For example, some older systems use a liquid refrigerant to supply cooling power, and if that liquid has leaked out then the system, the unit is going to have a hard time functioning properly. 

You may need to take apart the tubing to diagnose the issue and, unless you’re handy with PVC plumbing, things can get messy quick. It can also pose a danger if the coolant has mixed with wires and caused electrical damage. Is liquid leaking inside the air conditioning unit? It’s wise to find a reliable technician. Of course, it’s important to find a repairperson who will do the job well. In a page about Billy Aircon customer reviews, the company explains how to differentiate between genuine and fake write-ups.

Replacing the Filter

Filters help ensure that the air that comes out of your vents is clean and free from dust, dirt, and other types of allergens and contaminants. They also help increase the efficiency of your unit (circulating dust-filled air requires a lot more work). 

A clogged air filter is a pretty easy problem to fix, and safe to DIY. Depending on what kind of filters you have, you can either take them out, clean them, and put them back in, or you may need to buy new ones. If it's the latter, then you need to take the exact measurements of the filters so that you can get new ones that will fit your unit well.

AC Not Turing On

There are numerous reasons an air conditioner may not power up. You can even find top 10 lists filled with the possibilities. Unless you have a lot of experience with air conditioners, diagnosing the issue probably isn't something you want to do yourself because it can become a lesson in frustration or lead to further issues. Of course, check the fuse first. If that's not the problem, then it could be an issue with the thermostat. Try lowering the temperature to check if the unit responds. If the problem persists, then, call an air conditioning technician. Usually a specialist can figure out what’s wrong with your machine fairly quickly.

Repeatedly Tripping a Fuse

Busting a fuse can be caused by a few different things. While a tripped fuse is relatively easy to fix, if the issue occurs whenver you turn your AC on, it may be time to call in an expert. Perhaps this is happening because of faulty wiring or because there's a problem with the thermostat. Regardless, this isn't something you want to try and fix yourself if it keeps continuing because you might risk causing further damage. It's best to get the professional opinion of a technician so that they can troubleshoot your unit.

Dusting the Machinery

A lot of people let their air conditioners putter on year after year without cleaning them inside and out. While this isn’t necessarily a problem you can diagnose, regular cleaning will often stop problems from happening in the first place. Take the above video as a cautionary tale. When the unit isn’t working, Barnacules pulls air conditioner out of the wall, hauls it downstairs and hoses it off in his backyard. After letting it dry out for a day, he gets the machine working again (kudos!), but this probably isn’t the best way to do it. Plus there’s foam made for cleaning your air conditioner that can be used on the machine without having to lug it up and down several flights.

