Scraptastic Triangle Quilt Blocks
Posted by Aug 24, 2015
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Triangles are one of the most popular shapes in quilting, but it's easy to become intimidated by their sharp angles and precise piecing. There are lots of free tutorials to teach you the steps needed to create stunning triangle quilt blocks.

Jeni Baker
One of the most popular ways to make patchwork triangles is to start off with the half square triangle, which can be formed from two fabric squares. You'll need a sewing machine, ruler and rotary cutter to follow this tutorial. Half square triangles offer endless possibilities for quilting designs, such as Jeni's HST Block of the Month series, with free quilting with triangles tutorials throughout the year. Get the half-square triangles tutorial at In Color Order, as part of the Warm Cool Quilt Along with a free quilt pattern.

Rachel Hauser
Are fabric scraps ruling over your stash? Learn how to make a festive and vibrant scrappy triangles quilt from the leftovers of your other quilting projects. This free tutorial will allow you to make a quilt in a custom size, based on the width and length of your rows. Get the scrap attack triangles quilt tutorial from Stitched in Color.
To make this scrappy patchwork star block, use vintage patterns or modern designer fabric for a contemporary look, then put your stars all together with inspiration from the Oh My Stars! Quilt Along. which has lots of free quilt block patterns. Thought & Found has this quilt block how-to.

Fons & Porter


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