Preston Bailey on Wedding Decoration Ideas, DIY Centerpieces and Budget Floral Sculpture

Posted by on Nov 19, 2011

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Preston Bailey DIY Centerpiece

preston bailey
Wedding planner Preston Bailey may now be known for designing palatial floral arrangements and sculptures for the likes of Ivanka Trump and Oprah Winfrey, but he can easily recall the days his work was put together with elements that required little or no cash.

When we asked CraftFoxes readers to come up with questions for the celeb party guru, many were curious about how to achieve his baroque style on budget. Preston's inspiring answers remind you to treasure the outdoors, and occasionally bring that treasure inside with you.

What are your suggestions for an impressive DIY Thanksgiving or Christmas centerpiece? —Spencer
This depends somewhat on where you live. Often the most impressive DIY holiday centerpieces can be made with elements from your backyard. For instance, if you live somewhere with easy access to pine cones, you can build a beautiful centerpiece using pine cones, a glue gun and a little creativity. Pine cones make great wreaths, table runners and small topiaries ... and that's just the beginning. The same goes for evergreens. Just use your imagination!

How would you adapt your ideas to a DIY or low-budget wedding or event? — Michella
Focus on natural elements that are readily available in your area. For a fall wedding, put all those colorful leaves and branches to work. Use them as tall centerpieces for a dramatic look. Or, lay them flat in the center of your table for a softer, cozier look and feel.

orchid preston bailey centerpiece
What project would you suggest for someone who wants to make a stunning floral centerpiece but is working with a tight budget? — Maria
Think branches! It's amazing by how much wow factor you can get from using just three tall branches as the foundation of your centerpiece.

What advice do you have for someone who wants to get into floral sculpture but doesn't have much money? — Jessica
It's like the Nike ads say, JUST DO IT. When I first started out, I would take long walks and pick up all sorts of leaves, pebbles and driftwood to practice creating my own sculptures. It cost nothing and was really great for my creative development.

What are the most popular color combinations and scheme selections for winter? — Loretha
I find that in the winter white and blue is always a magical pairing.

