Mounting a Faux Deer Head, Moose Head and More

Posted by on Sep 26, 2016

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faux deer head

Mounting a real deer head can weigh on your heart, but buying a faux deer or moose head can put a crimp in your wallet, costing hundreds of dollars. If you want to test out the trendy look before, er, going in for the kill or just want to have a fun afternoon or two that can end with a stylish piece of home decor, you'll want to check out some of the faux animal head tutorials we found.

Above you'll see the work of CasaSugar's Elka Karl who covered a Styrofoam mount with book pages cut up in strips. The Styrofoam mount typically costs around $40 (although Elka found it on sale for $12). The other materials will run you about $10 to $15. 

For more details head over to CasaSugar.

faux deer head
Beyond recycled books and newspapers, faux deer heads are also made out of wood, cardboard, porcelain, wicker and other materials. Chris Jesse over at Cardboard Safari showcases several styles of faux animal heads that are outstandingly creative and some are even colorful. His work is very detailed and would make for a beautiful and exquisite piece in your home.

The cardboard deer head in the photo above will run you around $30 at

For more ideas, head over to Cardboard Safari.
zebra head trophy tutorial
Don't want your head to be so austere, or maybe you want to make it a little more kid friendly? Jennifer Perkins hunted and decapitated a stuffed zebra to create the darn cutest animal trophy you've probably ever seen. If you go the extra mile and cut and paint your own wooden plaque, it can take more work than you might expect, but the results will definitely give you (or your kid) a conversation piece.

moose head wreath
Of course if you're a Canuck staring down Canada without a Moose Head, there's the Moose Head Wreath that will only require you have a paper plate, construction paper, scissors and glue. True, it's not quite as much of a design statement, but no one will question your loyalty to the land of the maple leaf. 

For instructions on how to make the Moose Head Wreath, head over to DLTK.
ruby lounge faux deer head
Don't want to get your hands covered in mod podge and resin? Want to hang a piece that has designer flair beyond your abilities? Consider Ruby Lounge's line of deer heads that come with finishes of peacock feathers, red cardinals and pink paisleys. It will run you a few hundred dollars, but your hands won't require any scrubbing when you're done.

Check out Ruby Lounge's line of faux deer heads.

