Quick and Easy Fourth of July Crafts
Posted by Jun 29, 2017
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Everyone is busy when it comes to throwing a Fourth of July BBQ! Are you holding a party? Do you have decorations for that party? If you’re not entirely ready and still need something to make your party extra special, you can try these easy crafting suggestions. Here are six crafting ideas that are simple to make and are sure to add some colorful pizzazz to any party you might be throwing.
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Lifesaver Firecrackers
Here’s a craft that is festive and has hidden tasty treasures! These firecrackers are another safe option for the kids at your Fourth celebration because they’re not real. They’re just candy! To make these, you’ll need some red, white and blue scrapbooking paper (choose some fun designs), a roll of Lifesaver candies, a pipe cleaner and other basic crafting supplies. Simply cut your scrapbooking paper to match the length of your Lifesavers and wrap the candies. Poke a hole in the top of the roll with your scissors and place your pipe cleaner in this hole to create a false wick. Then add a star at the top of the pipe cleaner and you’re done! It’s a cute party favor to offer your guests and the kids will love the candy.
The idea for this craft originated with The Hybrid Chick.

Festive Hair Bows
If the little ones in your life would like some red, white and blue accessories for their hair, check out these adorable hair bows! This craft includes Mod Melts, which are made in a rubber mold. But if you’d like to make a simpler version, you can just leave the melts out of the bows. You’ll need some ribbon folded into a bow shape and hot glued. The stacked bow effect is made by simply folding red, white and blue bows on top of each other to create a more complex bow. Add a hair clip, which you can get at the dollar store or a craft store, and you’ve got an adorable hair accessory for the Fourth!
For more information on this party craft, visit While They Snooze.

Ribbon Sparkler
Sparklers can be fun to play with, but they aren’t always the safest option for your kids. This party craft is a safer option for kids who’d like to wave around a sparkler. Instead of sparks and fire, there are ribbons! You’ll need to make some korker ribbons by wrapping ribbon around a thin, wooden dowel, and attach them to the top of the dowel with some hot glue. It’s cute, fun and a safe way for your kids to celebrate and play.
For complete directions to make this kiddie craft, visit the Bowdabra Blog.

Patriotic Pinwheels
Pinwheels are a great garden decoration that can be easily modified for different holidays and occasions. For these July 4th pinwheels, you’ll need some colored cardstock, wooden skewers and stars. Cut three 3"-wide strips from each color of paper and fold those strips to create the crimping effect seen in the photo. Then just join the crimped strips together with a 2” diameter circle in the center. You can add a star in the middle and attach the whole thing to a wooden skewer. Make as many of these as you'd like for your garden, or place them in a terra cotta flower pot and use them as centerpieces.
For more information on this paper craft, visit Simply Designing.

The American flag has been represented in many different ways, but this craft in particular does something really awesome with those stars and stripes. These little flags, which you can string along your mantle or across some fence posts, is made of popsicle sticks! So if you enjoy a lot of popsicles in the first month of summer, save those sticks. All you need to do is paint 3 sticks red, 2 sticks white and 3 sticks blue. Cut the blue sticks and assemble them into the American flag, with some added paper stars. One of these could hang on your front door, but a string of flags makes a patriotic bunting!
For more information on this decorative craft, visit Ginger Snap Crafts.

Ornamental Candle Holders
When you're having a Fourth of July party, it’s likely to linger on into the night. You can use an alternative to tiki torches to light your party by trying these decorative candle holders. You’ll need some glass votives, tissue paper, Mod Podge, a foam brush and a die-cut machine. Simply cut out a bunch of stars from your tissue paper and then affix them to the glass votive with Mod Podge. Make as many as you need and add some small, white votive candles to light up your party!
For full directions to make this evening party craft, visit Consumer Crafts.


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