Organize Yarn Swatches with DIY Personalized Folders

Posted by on Aug 04, 2016

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personalized office folders like Modcloth

Staying organized using minimal accessories is one of my life’s biggest goals. I’m a firm believer in doing more with less, in buying quality over quantity – and in making things instead of buying them whenever possible. But, let’s be honest: some things are too cute to pass up.  

A few weeks ago, while feeling particularly unorganized, I fell down the Internet rabbit hole and started searching Modcloth and Amazon for stylish office supplies. I stumbled across collections of colorful folders on each site, then glanced at the tragic pile of papers in one of my closets. Ah! There was a solution: A patterned folder for each paper category! And I’d label each folder, too. Win-win.

DIY yarn swatch
While I've yet to make good on that clutter-reducing promise to my paper pile, seeing those lovely folders got me thinking: Are there ways that I can use folders to help other things, like my craft supply stash? Of course there is. Take a look above and behold, friends, a DIY yarn swatch.
organize yarn swatches with folders
I’m surprised I hadn’t thought to do this before. It was definitely needed. There’ve been so many times I wanted to duplicate a crochet project I completed, but forgot the exact yarn I used. With a five-tab hanging folder, I can organize and label a swatch of each yarn used in a project. 

Simply weave individual swatches of yarn through the tab grooves of a hanging folder, then add the yarn’s important details to a small piece of Washi tape or on a small Post-It. Tape that below the swatch inside the folder. Next, add the project name on the folder tab, and you’re done! File away – and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with clever organization.
organizing craft supplies
David Leon Morgan is a Bronx-based creative storyteller and crafter. He loves to crochet, sing extremely loudly in the shower and help others share their story in creative ways. Learn more about him and his work at

