5 Amazing Things You Can Make with Chocolate (VIDEOS)
Posted by Feb 27, 2022
Chocolate can do no wrong. Whether it's imported Swiss or dollar-store leftovers, it almost always tastes good. But if you can make chocolate look as good as it is to taste, that's taking chocolate to the next level. Here are videos that show how to make a range of amazing chocolate items — flowers, bowls, leaves — some are easy and one, well, you're going to need chem lab to complete.
To make a chocolate leaves, you'll need to use real leaves as your molds. When picking the leaves that will be the models, be sure to choose non-toxic ones such as fruit tree leaves. New Zealander Ela Gale explains how to coat the leaves and turn them into a beautiful centerpiece.
Sliced Chocolate
Making a chocolate lace doily will certainly test one's chocolate piping skills. However, it isn't as hard as it may look. The key is creating the outline of the design on parchment paper and tracing it to get started. Adding the dots of white chocolate? Let's be honest, that's going to take practice. But it's chocolate, so no one is going to complain if a doily has a squiggly line.
You can make impressive chocolate bowls using chocolate melts and balloons. The technique is relatively simple but the effect can be very impressive. Take your melted chocolate and release your inner Jackson Pollock, dripping artfully over the balloon. You can also pipe chocolate over a balloon for a more defined design.
Any fan of food science or Willy Wonka is going to find this demonstration amazing. Heston Marc Blumenthal is the owner of the British restaurant The Fat Duck, recipient of three Michelin stars and an impressive chemist. He takes the idea of Willy Wonka's Chocolate waterfall and divides melted chocolate into a rich, delicious powder and chocolate water (no, no Yoo-Hoo). While it's unlikely you'll be able to do this at home (or a chemistry lab), you have to see what he does to believe it.