Intern for CraftFoxes!

Posted by on Mar 02, 2016

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CraftFoxes is looking for interns to help shape the voice of the editorial. We need creative candidates to help with our expert interviews, how-tos, burning questions as well as covering the silly side of DIY projects. 

This is an exciting chance to get bylines as well as learn several aspects of the business. We want self-starters who are Internet-savvy, strong researchers, able to multitask, organized, and not afraid to speak up with ideas and questions. 

Responsibilities will include writing and editing posts for the site; homepage updates and maintenance; monitoring of web trends; and social media support. Interns may be involved in all aspects of producing editorial, including communicating with publicists, contributors, commenters and Tweeters. Experience with Photoshop, a blogging CMS and basic HTML are definitely a plus. 

Interested applicants can send their resume and clips to with the subject line "CraftFoxes Intern Application." The internship is typically done for college credit. 

We have team members located across the country and the internship is usually done by telecommuting.

