How to Turn (Almost) Any Room into a Craft Room

Posted by on Sep 27, 2018

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crafts room makeover

You might think finding a place to do crafts is incredibly easy. Any nice clean table with space to spread out your supplies should suffice, right? 

Then reality sets in. What about the kids who are going knock your beads on the table or just break your concentration? If you have to stop, make dinner and come back later, will everything still be where you left it? Do you have enough light to see through the eye of a needle? Suddenly, “anywhere is fine” doesn’t seem to quite cover all scenarios. Here are suggestions to help find the perfect place in your house for a full- or part-time craft room.


If you live in a small space or have roommates, your bedroom may be your only place where you can reliably do crafts without being interrupted. A desk may be all you need given that you don’t need to use the desk regularly for other work or you’re extremely well organized. With a bed right next to your craft space, though, you may be seduced into crocheting or scrapbooking while lying down and when you lose a good portion of your stash behind the headboard you’ll wind up spending an hour just looking for everything. The solution? Clever storage. In the above See Lemon video features lots of great ideas for craft organization in a small space. You’ll probably find an idea for making better use of your wall or drawers to get started in your bedroom.


Any parent who has kids will wind up doing crafts sooner or later in the kitchen. But even if you don’t have school projects and cement hands you need to make, the kitchen can be a great place to work on craft projects. Most have a big table and, in case you make a mess, a floor that’s easily cleaned. Plus you have easy access to a variety of inventive tools and supplies.

Garden Shed

If you have an unused garden shed (or are willing to buy a new one), it can be the perfect place for an arts and crafts studio. You have a creative getaway in your own backyard! In the above vide, HGTV shows how to paint, build supply shelves and use gift wrap as low-cost wall paper to give the walls a homey feel.

Dining Room

Like the kitchen, the dining room usually has a huge table for workspace and often less traffic than the kitchen, making it easier to leave those in-progress projects set up. You may need to put down a tablecloth or cover to protect the table, but it can still work well. In the above video, Jaime of Bored or Bananas explains how she organizes her craft supplies in a small section of a dining room hutch. (By the way, if you're searching for a new dining room table, this article by Fishpools can guide you in the right direction.)

Living Room

It’s definitely tempting to craft in front of the TV or with the rest of the family in the living room, but it can also quickly become a mess when too many hands start playing around in a space that typically has a nice carpet. However, if you can knit or crochet with your feet up in the easy chair and have no worries about anyone messing with your work, then the living room can definitely be a nice option. The above video demonstrates how to make the most out of a small space, which can be great advice for your living room or any room that has a different primary use.

Spare Room

Of course if you have a room you can dedicate to crafts then you have what any creator would want. You can optimize the space to your own work style and habits. In the above video, AJ explains how she remade one of her kid’s old bedrooms into a new workspace. Along the way she gives tips for how to reuse pieces from around the house in the new space for low-cost storage.

