Handmade Gift Guide for Graduation Day

Posted by on Jun 01, 2015

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Chalkboard Tassel Frame

College graduations have concluded, and high school graduations are about to start. Now is a crucial time to prepare for all of the graduation parties and celebrations, but what is better than giving the grad something all his or her own? Look no further than this graduation gift guide for some wonderful handmade ideas that are sure to honor and delight the graduate during this exciting and memorable milestone.

Restyled Plaid Backpack
A Beautiful Mess
Whether your graduate is off to college, grad school or work, an over-the-shoulder bag is convenient for running between classes and traveling around on the weekend. For a handmade spin on a classic backpack, turn to this plaid shirt-turned-backpack for a nice, practical gift. Not only is this four-step tutorial quick and easy, but results in a beautiful DIY project for someone special as well.

Photo-Collage Wall Initial
Commemorate the grad by designing and making a photo collage initial. Using Picasa, you can create and print a collage of your own creation. Then, with the printed collage(s) and an adhesive of your choice, attach the pictures to a cardboard initial of the grad's first name. Made with love, this is is one unique and artistic gift!

T-Shirt Quilt
People tend to hoard T-shirts from past community events, clubs, charity donations, etc., but most of these shirts end up sitting in a drawer untouched. While these tees hold many memories, it is difficult to wear and keep track of them all. Instead, put them to nostalgic use by creating a T-shirt quilt for a recent graduate. Rather than struggling with what to take to college or any new place, the grad can have a cozy bundles of memories to snuggle with at night.

Chalkboard Tassel Frame
Personalize the classic tassel picture frame gift by covering the background with chalkboard spray paint. Leave a nice message for the grad, tell them how proud you are and wish them luck for a bright future. Their tassel hangs from a small hook, and their picture can slide into a small mounted frame. This nifty handmade gift says "congratulations" with a DIY vibe.


Graduation-Cap Mason Jar
Fill up a little mason jar with the grad's favorite candy or treats, but take this gift a creative step further by making a graduation cap lid. The grad can reuse the jar as cute storage for paperclips, pencils, makeup brushes or other candy. Every time they look at this sweet gift, they'll think of you and the celebrations that kicked off an exciting new chapter of their life. This gift literally tips a hat, or cap, to them.

Painted Quote on Canvas
Graduation is an inspiring time and experience, but can also be daunting and scary. Encourage the grad by giving them a beautiful painted quote canvas as wall or desk art. Find a quote that speaks to their career goals and aspirations, or provide them with a motivating statement. When this grad is working on college schoolwork or at the office, they can look to this gift for support and remember you all at once.

mortarboard DIY box graduation gift
Turn a plain paper maché box into a great graduation gift all on its own - even when it's empty. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a mortarboard for the lid that celebrates graduation day and school pride. Fill the box with anything - like office supplies, electronics, jewelry, gift cards, cash, cookies or candy.

