Gift Wrapping Ideas: 6 Creative Ways to Wrap Presents

Posted by on Oct 09, 2013

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Gift Wrapping Ideas: 6 Creative Ways to Wrap Presents

Sometimes it's the simple ideas that have the most impact. Take presents. There are those among us who love to buy a sheet of beautifully ornate paper, and dress it with satin ribbons, and top it with an exquisite card. I have done this on occasion, spending quite a boodle on wrapping just one present. It's fun, indulgent and perfect for that special birthday or wedding.

However, there are times when you feel like enough is enough. You reach for the kraft paper, and a wad of string, and get inspired by the simple things in life. I start by sourcing my paper from places like PackQueen, where they also have a selection of plain kraft boxes in all shapes and sizes.

Each of these gift wrapping ideas uses things that can be found around the house, at a consignment store or outside in your yard. None of them are hard to do, but require just a little inspiration and imagination. Stockpile your kraft paper boxes today, and break out of the wrapping paper rut!

Find great holiday cards at Minted!

From the Forest

From there, I go to Pinterest, where there are so many great ideas for creating presents with just a few details. Terri at wrapped her present in twine, and topped it with a few pinecones and greenery. It's perfect for Christmas.
Rainbow Brite

Or take this idea, which is heartbreakingly simple, and so versatile. Rainbow thread makes plain gift wrap stylish for kids or adults.
Pom Pom Girls

Myra Madeleine pinned this idea, which as you can see, uses just a few wraps of twine, pom poms and a simple homemade stamped disk. You could use an embossed tag as well. I love the natural references with the colors she chose. It reminds me of goldenrod.
Put a Bird on It

Admittedly, this present borders on the ornate, but the base is simply a box, with a nature-inspired topper. At Christmastime, this topper could be an ornament. For a wedding, which is what Moll Anderson is showing here, the hummingbird becomes part of the favor.
Things Remembered

Finally, you don't need the "blue box" when you borrow this idea, pinned by Teresa Queen-Curtis. A velvet ribbon and a sparkly brooch will do.

Photo credits (from top):,, Marea Korea, Myra Madeleine, Moll Anderson,

This article was made in partnership with PackQueen.

Have you made a stellar craft related to weddings or parties? Show us your creations when you upload a project at CraftFoxes, and we might feature it right here! Come back every Wednesday for fresh ideas for celebrations, weddings, showers and birthday parties.
6 Distinctive Gift Wrapping Ideas
Find great holiday cards at Minted!

