Get Involved in The Craftys and Win a $50 Yarn Prize Pack

Posted by on Dec 28, 2016

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Win $50 of Red Heart Yarn

We're in the heart of the holiday season and Red Heart is giving away a great gift as part of its partnership with The Craftys Awards: A $50 prize pack of yarn. 

You'd be amazed at how many things you can make with $50 of yarn. 

To enter this giveaway, all you need to do is log into the Rafflecopter widget below and perform one of the following actions: 

Vote for a project In The Craftys you like: They want to see your likes and comments on the entries. Navigate to the categories section, search for a project you like and click the like button. They need you to paste a link to the entry you liked. (Worth 1 entry point) 

Nominate a project you like for the Knitting, Baby Crafts or Crochet category in The Craftys Awards: You don't need to enter your own work, but be sure to include contact information for the nominee and have permission to share the images. We know this takes a little extra effort, so it's worth extra points. (Worth 3 entry points) 

Tweet a message about the giveaway: Let your friends know you're excited about the contest. (Worth 1 entry point.)

Sign up for updates: We want to make sure you see the latest nominees! (Worth 1 entry point.) You have until January 4, 2017 to enter the giveaway. 


