Furoshiki — Wrapping Gifts Sustainably and Beautifully

Posted by on Dec 09, 2021

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Furoshiki, Japanese gift wrapping, sustainable gift wrapping

If you look at all of the wasted wrapping paper that comes along with gifts, the Japanese art of Furoshiki makes a lot of sense. Very simply, it's typing up gifts in beautiful cloth that makes for stunning and reusable gift wrap. In the new book "Furoshiki And the Japanese Art of Gift Wrapping," author Tomoko Kakita demonstrates 30 techniques for packaging gifts in cloth. FuroShiki's layout and sublime wrapping pictures make the book itself worthy of gifting (or maybe that's meta-gifting). Down below is one of the 30 videos included with the how-to guide. 

If you're also searching for beautiful cloth to wrap gifts, Kakita sells it on her website, MacspaceDesign. By the way, she's a London based designer, so the prices are in pounds.

In the Book Bag Wrap from "Furoshiki and the Japanese Art of Gift Wrapping," Kakita demonstrates how to wrap a small box to create a wrap that has its own handle.

