DIY Projects for a Teenage Girl's Bedroom
Posted by Dec 11, 2015
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Teenage girls are all about decorating their bedrooms to make them their own spaces. Those rooms are like their secret lairs, and any decorations they put up will express who they are and what they're into. These decorations could easily be bought at some trendy store, but they could also be made by you, or by the teenage girl in your life. If you know someone with a flair for crafting, these DIY decor tips might be just the thing for them. Here are six teen craft decor projects that will spice up any room!
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Fabric Stenciling
Fabric stencilling is a great way to jazz up a pillowcase, a canvas bag or a lampshade. First you’ll need to get your stencils. There is a template you can download, print and trace onto freezer paper. Cut out the design with a craft knife and you have your stencil! All that’s left is to paint that stencil design onto your item. One tip to keep in mind is that you should affix the stencil to your item with some masking tape to make sure it doesn’t slip in the process.
For more information on this teen craft, visit this CraftFoxes post.

Concrete Block Shelving
Shelves can take up a lot of floor space in a bedroom. But if you have shelves mounted on the wall or up on top of a desk, you’ll save some space. These shelves are creatively decorative and won’t eat up any extra floor space in your room. You’ll need some decorative concrete blocks and a plank of wood to create the shelf. You can spray paint the concrete blocks, the wooden shelf, or both to make them a bit more eye-catching. Now you’ve got a storage space for makeup, books or anything else.
For more information on this teen craft project, visit The Design Pages.

Easy-to-Make Curtains
Teenagers love their privacy, and these homemade curtains can give them that solitude and keep out the sun when they’re sleeping in late. You’ll need 11½ yards of printed mid-weight cotton fabric for the curtain, and 11½ yards of solid white drapery lining fabric for the lining. This sewing project is described as easy, so you needn’t be an expert on your sewing machine to make these curtains. You can hang your finished curtains on a curtain rod you already have, or on a decorative bamboo rod for a more interesting look.
For more on information on this teen craft project, visit this CraftFoxes post.

While a mattress cover can be bought, a young sewist may get a kick out of making her own. If she sleeps on an unusually shaped mattress, making an original one might be necessary. To get an idea of some of the best mattress toppers and pads, take a look at
For more about How to Make Your Own Mattress Cover, see this how-to on CraftFoxes.

Burlap Cork Board
As we all know, teenagers love to hang up photos of their favorite celebrities, or photos of themselves with their friends. Instead of creating hundreds of tiny tack holes in the walls of their room, they can use these burlap cork boards instead. These boards are really easy to make, and you can hang multiple boards in different sizes on your wall for an interesting look. You’ll need a canvas board, some cork and some burlap. Mount the cork on the canvas board, then affix the burlap with some mod podge. Upholstery nails around the edge of the board will give it a rustic, decorative look.
For more information on this teen craft project, visit Frantz Featherings.

Yarn Chandelier
These quirky, bright yarn balls can be hung from the ceiling to create a chandelier effect in a teen’s bedroom. They’re super easy to make and very affordable. All you’ll need is some yarn, glue, corn starch, some balloons and a rod from which to hang the finished product. Blow up your balloons and hang them from your rod. Mix together the glue, corn starch and some water. Dip the yarn in your mixture, and wrap it around the balloons. Let dry for 24 hours and then pop the balloons, creating spheres made from yarn.
For more information on this teen craft project, visit Hostess with the Mostess.

Paper Heart Wall Art
Here is a great little craft that’s easy to do and will make for an awesome wall hanging in any teen’s bedroom. Cut a heart template out of posterboard and then trace that heart shape on differently colored scrapbook or construction paper. Mix up your hearts so that you’ll have a random pattern of color once they’re hanging. Then simply sew the hearts together to create eight strands with eleven hearts in each strand. Wrap the strands around a wooden pole that can be affixed to the wall and you’re done!
For more information on this teen craft project, visit Honey Bee Vintage.


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