Declutter Your Thrift Store Finds

Posted by on Jul 19, 2012

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vintage website dress

When you find that perfect vintage piece, it's often hard to say no. But when your closet and drawers are bursting at the seams with vintage clothing, you may need to divide and conquer that clothing stash. Sammy Davis Vintage offers seven great tips on how to declutter your second-hand wearables, starting with the all-important fit. She recommends asking yourself the honest questions, such as "Is this something I love so much that I could never give it up?" If the clothing is stained or torn, you may need to see if it can realistically be mended. Unless you are an expert at taking in a dress and know how to sew a zipper, it's probably best to let and ill-fitting garment find a new home. Better yet, you can take inventory of your entire crafting stash to see if there are supplies that are just not your style any more; consider donating them to a community center or charity group.
Read more tips on how to manage your thrifted clothing collection at Sammy Davis Vintage.

