Current Trends in Quilting

Posted by on Apr 26, 2011

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trendy t-shirt quilt

Quilting is a uniquely American craft and despite its longevity is still one of the trendiest crafts around. This year's latest quilting trends feature embellishing with beads, man-inspired fabric art and even bite-size quilts. Read more about these hippest of quilty trends.

cozy homemade holiday gift
Don't Sweater It 'Cause We've Got You Covered

Need to get rid of a few winter sweaters? Instead of trashing these treasures, transform them into a super-cozy comfort quilt. Whether it's cashmere, cotton, lambswool or a blend, the bigger the sizes, the easier the project. Shop at thrift stores to grow your stash on the cheap.
Get a free pattern for making your own cozy sweater quilt via Homemade Holiday Gifts.
trendy mini yo-yo quilt
The Purl Bee
Yo-Yo Yo! Quilt

What's old is now hot. Popular during the 1920s through the 1940s, yo-yo quilts have made a surprising leap from sagging about in antique stores and are now the hottest trend in modern quilting. These rosette-like pieces come together surprisingly quickly via the Cover Yo-Yo Maker, or go Clover-less with a free tutorial from Let's Get Shabby.
Love the look? Create a mini yo-yo coverlet from The Purl Bee!
trendy mini quilt
Speaking of Mini Quilts ...

In a recent interview, Meg Cox, author of The Quilter's Catalog, revealed that mini quilts are one of the latest trends in the quilting kingdom. “Smaller quilts — very small quilts that are 8x9 inches, for example — really allow quilters to play with technique,” she says. When they are finished, they become unique, textured wall hangings.
Get a free mini quilt tutorial from Sew Happy. Me! Or read more of the interview with Meg Cox!
trendy mini bead quilt
Hail the Return of Notions!

Beading, embroidery and other cheerful decorations make their triumphant return to quilting. Best used on quilted wall hangings rather then bed décor, these trendy accessories are particularly attractive on crazy quilts.
Get inspired to make your own bead quilt via the gallery at BeadLust! Or get a free intro to cross stitch from make something!
trendy gravater of
Blogging Makes the Quilting World Go Round

Five thousand. That's the percentage — not the number, but the percentage — increase for "quilting blogs" searches in 2009.  Maybe it's time to let the world know what you've been creating.
Looking for some examples of what to write? Get real-time updates on what your favorite quilters are blogging about at Quilter Blogs.
trendy man quilts
Man Quilts Are No Longer an Oxymoron

Men, those knit purls of our eye, have already invaded our knitting room, and Ladies, it seems that they're not too far from the bastions of our fabric stash. Fabric artist Luke Haynes creates edgy, manly decorative quilts that even Chuck Norris would like. Is he still manly?
Check out more of Luke Haynes' man quilts via If Its Hip, Its Here!
trendy quilted post card
Do You Trust the Post Office to Actually Get It There?

Thanks to Daily Motion and quilter Linda Hahn for introducing us to this quirky quilting trend: quilted fabric post cards. Mailable and customizable, this easy quilting craft is a clever way to say “I'm thinking of you” while skiing on slopes or waves.
Create your own fabric post card quilt via Calidore!
scrapbook t-shirt quilt
Jonny Carroll
Too Cool for School T-Shirt Quilt

Somewhere in your house you probably have a collection of rarely-worn T-shirts. Something like band T-shirts from high school, old concert shirts or the promo tees you can never get rid of. Instead of storing them in a box or letting them overflow your dresser, turn them into a trendy new quilt. The best part? T-shirt quilts are unique because they are filled with your memories.
Check out the free CraftFoxes tutorial for making your own T-Shirt Scrapbook Quilt!
Excerpted from The Quilter's Catalog by Meg Cox, published by Workman Press

