Craft Bits — Superhero Cookies, AC Moore Nosedives, Core77 Design Awards

Posted by on Aug 06, 2011

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Marvel superhero bakeset from Williams-Sonoma

This week, we're baking like superheroes, hoping against the demise of a favorite craft retailer and checking in with a very neat awards event. 

But first, let's talk baked goods. Namely, baked goods featuring Marvel superheroes. The news that Williams-Sonoma released cookie cutters and mini cake pans bearing the likenesses of Captain America, Ironman, Superman and the Incredible Hulk thrilled geeks (and the ones who love them). But this is also great news for moms of superhero-loving kids: No longer will you have to try your best to replicate Spidey in birthday cake form. The pans and cutters will do that for you.

To see the line of Marvel baking tools, visit Williams-Sonoma

A.C. Moore reports losses due to lack of sales in paper category
A.C. Moore
A.C Moore In Trouble?

Eastern United States craft retailer A.C. Moore Arts & Crafts Inc. isn’t immune to the financial problems that are sweeping the country. The New Jersey-based company reported key losses in their sales of paper crafting supplies. In addition, the end of the Silly Bandz fad has hurt their bottom line. On a high note, their increased selection of baking and cake decorating supplies has been a success — so maybe the craft retailer will re-focus their energy on sweet crafts?

To read more about A.C. Moore, visit The Courier-Post.

Soda cup lights, a notable entry in the DIY/Hack/Mod category of the Core77 Design Awards
Core77 Design Awards

When is a soda cup not a soda cup? When it's in the hands of Jeff Zischke, a "notable" from the Core77 Design Awards DIY/Hack/Mod category. His entry transformed cups into pretty amazing sculptural lights. (We'd buy them.) The Core77 Design Awards saluted the best in creative innovation across 13 categories.

For more on the Core77 Design Awards, visit Core77.

Fold your own Captain America with Anthony Brennan
Anthony Brennan
Still Can't Get Enough Superheroes?

Okay, then. Illustrator Anthony Brennan has a whole series of Cubecraft-inspired cutout templates where, with a little skill, you can make a cut little cube-styled paper craft of your favorite superhero, video game character or even comedian (like Patton Oswalt or Billy Connolly). Hours of entertainment for you, a co-worker, husband or kid.

For your own foldable model, visit Anthony Brennan.

We Love Lucy

"I Love Lucy" fans all over the world will be celebrating what would have been television legend Lucille Ball’s 100th birthday this weekend. Expect to see a jump in sales related to anything Lucy-related this month. And if you can, get in on the trend. We like this upcycled pendant necklace featuring a commemorative "I Love Lucy" stamp — simple and wearable.

To get a closer look at the "I Love Lucy" pendant necklace, visit Be Inspired Designs.

