Craft Bits — Simple Booze Recipe, Rosette Key Holder, Vintage Queen
Posted by Mar 28, 2011
We don’t normally like to refer to something as “The new ___” but that hasn’t stopped the rest of the internet from doing so. With that in mind: Glass jars are the new cupcake liner. Even when they’re holding something other than a cupcake, like delicious homemade monkey bread. While we like the eco-friendliness and tote-ability of the idea, we’re not too thrilled about having one more thing to wash.
Get the recipe for homemade monkey bread baked in a jar from Babble!
Though they’ll always be a classic to us, vintage fruit labels are enjoying a surge in popularity. If you have the genuine article, now’s the time to sell. Otherwise, keep an eye out at flea markets and estate sales, or simply print out a few stunning examples from the Autry Library’s new collection to use for your own personal projects.
View the Autry Library’s collection of vintage fruit labels.
This is about the only time that watching somebody organize a bookshelf equals an entertaining experience. Watch it, then look at your own jumbled bookshelf. Vow to tackle it next year. Repeat.
Watch the stop-motion bookshelf organizing video from Lost at E Minor.
Don’t be put off by the name of this recipe: Orange Milk Liqueur. Instead, think of it as a batch of boozy creamsicle goodness that only takes a little over a week to make. (Compared to the 2-month-long steep of other homemade hooch recipes.)
Get the orange milk liqueur recipe from Leethal.
How fun would it be to curl up with the uber-comfy pillow blanket designed by Joon&Jung? It’s exactly what it sounds like: A bunch of pillows stitched together to form a blanket-slash-bed. Heaven.
Check out the Joon&Jung pillow blanket.
If your morning routine always involves a scavenger hunt for keys, this project is for you. This lovely little key holder is made from cardboard, a wire hanger and a bunch of snipped paper. And I bet most people will think you bought it from Anthropologie.
Check out the paper flower key holder tutorial from Fiskars.
London has become an all-out crafty destination, with a bunch of DIY lounges (like the Make Lounge) popping up throughout the city. We think it’s way better than camping out at the local coffee shop with our latest project…
Read more about London’s craft lounges from the NY Times.
If we could trade lives with anyone for a day, it would have to be Liz Goldwyn. She has one of the most comprehensive vintage archives anywhere, is on a first-name basis with designers and did this awesome project where she interviewed burlesque icons of the '40s (you can check out the resulting book Pretty Things here). We bet you’ll feel the same way after you read her profile in this week’s Telegraph.
Read more about Liz Goldwyn and her thoughts on vintage and burlesque.
Who knew that rap impresario Damon Dash was into vintage? And heritage Pendleton, no less. If you’re in Tribeca anytime soon, check out the storefront (called Local 172 Trading Post) and tell us how it is.
Read more about Damon Dash’s Local 172 Trading Post vintage store.
Photographer Jenna Isaacson is taking her love for all things thrift shopping on the road, with the goal of visiting resale shops in all 50 states. Color us jealous.
Find out more about Jenna Isaacson’s cross-country thrift shopping adventure here.
Image credits from top:,,,,,,, Brigitte Sire/,, Rosier/News via