Craft Bits — Piggy Banks, Garage Sales, Upcycled Bookcase

Posted by on Apr 12, 2011

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amigurumi bunnies

From adorable amigurumi animals to upcycled garden-themed journals, this week the crafty internet has Easter on the brain. Easter not really your thing? Or just too late in the game? Luckily, these unique gifts can be called into use any time of year and we’re definitely bookmarking the free tutorials for future occasions. For starters, how cute would it be to make a family of crocheted bunnies for a kids’ birthday party?
Get the free tutorial for creating amigurumi bunnies for Easter and beyond from Craft Magazine.

designer pig home decor
These Little Piggies …

… are going straight to our hearts. Handmade by designer Harry Allen, these resin (and glass) piggy banks just make us smile. Even more charming: Allen’s creative inspiration. Apparently his basset hounds inspired the gesture because they have the same basic proportions as a pig.
Read more about Harry Allen’s piggy banks along with where to get your own.
sweet paul magazine cover
Another Reason to Love the Internet

It’s never been easier to find professional-caliber DIY ideas thanks to the mini-boom of digital magazines like Lonny, Nonpareil and Utterly Engaged. And we can now add newcomer Sweet Paul magazine to the list. Created by stylist Paul Lowe, this gorgeous mag is easy-fun to get lost in.
Check out the latest issue of Sweet Paul magazine, which focuses on kid crafts.
garage sale trail
Get on the Garage Sale Trail

That is, if you’re in Australia, mate! Garage Sale Trail is an awesome website that lists pretty much every garage sale in the continent AND maps them out for you. We’re tremendously envious.
Find out more about Garage Sale Trail, or just gaze longingly at other people’s sale listings.
faux-leather diy journal
Not Your Garden-Variety Journal 

We just love this tutorial by craft internet superstar Diane Gilleland. Here, she details how to make a journal using little more than (faux) leather scraps from old handbags. See, there are uses for those ancient bags you feel too bad throwing out.
Get the tutorial for turning old handbags into journals via Oregon Live.
upcycled book bookcase
In Other Upcycling News

How fun is this bookcase, made from actual books? (To get even more meta on you, the books inside are actually fake wood blocks made to look like tomes.) It’s crafted by designer Jim Rosenau, who specializes in recycling old reads into art.
Read more about how artist Jim Rosenau creates his book furniture and learn about other artists who use upcycled books.
magnetic mario brothers memo board
Yes, This is Actually a Memo Board 

Only it’s made to look like a classic Mario Brothers gameboard. It’s not only perfect for the gamers in your life, but also the lazy people who never seem to notice the week’s grocery list taped to the fridge.
Here’s the how-to for making the Mario Brothers magnetic memo board using little more than paper.
design your own knit sweater
Can’t Knit, but Want to Design a Sweater?

You’re in luck thanks to a new website that offers bespoke knitwear featuring whatever you’d like. We’re loving this “Kate Who?” design, made just in time for Royal Wedding Extravaganza 2011. Find out how to order your own bespoke sweater, before the warmer months kick in from Where's Me Jumper.

Other Stories We’re Talking About:

-The Lubbock Arts Festival in Texas is using a new online system for vetting vendors that’s catching on amongst other craft fair organizers.

-The Philadelphia Museum of Art is showing a fun exhibit on vintage medical posters.

-Meanwhile, the Carnegie Museum of Art in Pittsburgh is showing a comprehensive exhibit on contemporary craft.

-The Craft and Hobby Association released some interesting stats about the most popular crafts of 2010.

Image credits from top:, via, via,, Diane Gilleland, via,, via

