Craft Bits — Ostrich Egg Crafts, Urban Eco, Plan C Careers
Posted by Aug 19, 2011
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There's a lot to talk about in the online craft world this week. Some of it is worthy of a lengthier discussion (like the New York Times' story on the viability of "Plan B" careers) but others are just plain ... odd.
Case in point: This news item about the widow of the late poultry magnate Frank Purdue, who turns ostrich eggs into works of art. Kind of like Faberge eggs, just giant. And made from a real egg.
To see more of the ostrich egg art pieces, visit The Connecticut Post.
Evan Sun for NYTImes
We've all had dreams of quitting our day jobs and starting up that cute bakery, wedding invitation shop or party dress store. And maybe you have. (If so, can you share your secrets?) But for an increasing percentage of "Plan B" business owners, things aren't going so well. The main issue seems to be the idea that working in craft won't have the same challenges of any other job. Do you agree? Let's discuss...
To read the full "Plan C" article, visit The New York Times.
Evan Witek
This is a pretty fun story: A Pittsburgh resident made a giant version of the game Mousetrap. (OK, he had a few friends help out, too.) The working handmade structure, which trades a silver game ball for a bowling ball, will be on display outside the Carnegie Science Museum. It's a must-see if you're in town.
To check out the Life-Size Mousetrap, visit the Beaver County Times.
Good news for people who like upcycling, recipes and eco-friendly ideas: Whole Foods Market is debuting a bunch of web video shows dedicated to those very topics (and more). Our favorite? Urban Eco, featuring "Trading Spaces" alum Amy Devers. She brings an accessible, entertaining look at sustainable living through some very fun and easy projects. Like this one for creating a cork trivet, from the second episode on the series.
To watch the Urban Eco video, visit YouTube.
Joan Rusek
For the Valley Art Museum located in Chagrin Falls, that was exactly the case. The museum celebrated it's 40th birthday with a '60s-themed party complete with, well, big handmade tie-dyed mushrooms. The benefit raised $15,000 for the museum, so maybe they're on to something?
To read more about the Valley Art Museum party, visit the Sun-News.
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