Craft Bits — Mini Meal Rings, Guitar Straps for Cats, Handmade Rugs

Posted by on Feb 28, 2011

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mini-meal rings

Be warned — if it’s mid-afternoon and you still haven’t had lunch yet — but these mini-meal rings by artist Sofia Molnar couldn’t be any cuter. They’re inspired by Japanese fast-food restaurant displays, where plastic depictions of meals are shown in lieu of printed menus.
You can check out more of Sofia Molnar’s mini-meal rings.

headboard sculpture from David Sleighthom
ComicCon for Crafters

The American Craft Council Show is happening in Charm City, featuring over 700 designers. If you’re there, check out the work of a few Baltimore-area natives: The original book-purse-maker Caitlin Phillips and sculptor David Sleighthom (the headboard at left is his handiwork).
Read more about the American Craft Council Show.
North American Handmade Bicycle Show
Meanwhile, Over in Austin

There’s another DIY-oriented show going on in Austin, TX. Specifically, the North American Handmade Bicycle Show. Even if you don’t ride, you have to appreciate the dedication, enthusiasm and artistry of the makers.
Check out more bikes and other news from the North American Handmade Bicycle Show.
city laws can impact sidewalk vendors
Mike Koozmin/The Examiner
West Coast Turf Wars

Apparently there are turf wars going on over sidewalk vending space in San Francisco. Laws regulated prime retail spots all over the city except one neighborhood, where everyone is left to their own devices. The result: Hurt feelings and lots of good ol’ fashioned name calling. Though it’s not gang-sign level of turf war, it shows how a good-natured law can work against handmade vendors.
Read more about how city laws can impact sidewalk vendors from The San Francisco Examiner.
Bake Your Own Lawn project
Amit Lennon for the Observer
What If You Don’t Have a Lawn?

If the handmade bread trend really speaks to you, join bread enthusiast Chris Young and his Bake Your Own Lawn initiative. Basically, you grow your own wheat wherever you can, harvest it, then send it out to a mill to be ground into flour. Overachiever.
Read more about Chris Young’s Bake Your Own from The Guardian.
tape measure benefits earthquake victims
Craft for New Zealand Earthquake Relief

A bunch of DIY-savvy moms (“mums” over there) have banded together to offer relief for those affected by the February 22nd earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand. It’s been called the nation’s worst disaster, with over 160 people dead and 200 missing to date.
Read more about how you can help Christchurch earthquake victims from Voxy.
diy accordian file
Diane Gilleland
Procrastination Meets Organization 

Those accordion office files are always so flimsy, and that’s my excuse for throwing my receipts into my bottomless purse instead of filing them away. But, Diane Gilleland of the awesome Craftypod site has a DIY version that’s a bit sturdier and more stylish. Plus side? You can fritter more time away making custom files for every project under the sun, instead of getting around to taxes.
Get the free accordion file tutorial from Oregon Live!
handmade guitar straps sold to benefit charity
Guitar Straps for Sick Cats

NYC artist Jodi Head is selling celeb-signed handmade guitar straps to benefit a hospice outside Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, that helps terminally ill kitties. What’s interesting about this initiative (and the one going on for New Zealand) is how organizations are using auction sites rather than storefronts to raise money for causes.
Read more about how artist Jodi Head is using eBay to raise money for charity.
handmade wool rug
Back-on-Track Economy?

There’s an upswing in demand for handmade rugs, presumably by people who use dollar bills as tissues. Um, I mean, hardworking, taste-conscious folk. (If only I had enough for this Vivienne Westwood-designed model, left.) Anyway, it’s great news for those who are handy with a loom.
Read more about the handmade rug trend from The Financial Times.
decorate a home with handmade accents
Ellen M. Banner/The Seattle Times
“B.M.” = Before Martha

Nice article about how a Seattle couple took a handmade approach to home decor.
Get more inspiration on how to decorate a home with handmade accents The Seattle Times.

