Comment to Win "The Inspirational Moustache" from Cicada Books!
Posted by Jun 26, 2012
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[Update 7/18/2012] - Congratulations to hueisei for winning this prize!
Enter to win this super-fun mustache book, courtesy of U.K.-based publisher Cicada Books. Here is a brief snippet of the description:
"For decades the mustache has been languishing in fashion’s dark and dingy closet, but at long last, it is slowly inching its way back into favor. In design, in craft and on many a discerning face, the soup strainer, nose neighbour, lip tickler, face foliage, mouth brow, or whatever else you want to call it is making a comeback.
This book is here to celebrate a seminal moment in the history of facial hair and to embrace the mustache in all its hairy glory."
Sounds fun, right? This book would make the perfect gift for a mustache-wearing friend. To enter, answer the following question as a comment below: "Who is your favorite mustache-sporting celebrity?"
The deadline for this contest is Tuesday, July 3rd at 11:59 p.m. EST. Good luck!
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