Comment to Win the Book "Snip, Burn, Solder, Shred!"
Posted by Feb 20, 2012
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Comment or tweet to win the book "Snip, Burn, Solder, Shred: Seriously Geeky Stuff to Make with Your Kids by David Erik Nelson!
This is a fantastic resource to add to your collection. We’re sure it will inspire you to schedule a craft date with your kids. Here’s the book description, via No Starch Press:
“Snip, Burn, Solder, Shred is packed with fun craft and toy-making projects for geeks on a budget. Inside, you’ll find illustrated instructions for 24 quirky playthings. Part I: Kid Stuff contains child-friendly projects like the Lock-N-Latch Treasure Chest and a PVC TeePee; Part II: The Electro-Skiffle Band is devoted to homemade musical instruments; and Part III: The Locomotivated showcases moving toys, like a muzzleloader that shoots marshmallows and a steam-powered milk-carton boat.
Each project costs just $10 or less to make and is suitable for anyone, regardless of experience level. As you build, you’ll learn useful sewing and carpentry skills, and the appendix offers a primer on electronics and soldering.”
Each project costs just $10 or less to make and is suitable for anyone, regardless of experience level. As you build, you’ll learn useful sewing and carpentry skills, and the appendix offers a primer on electronics and soldering.”
Discover one of the projects from the book, how to make a Fed-Ex Kite, in our How-to section. To enter this contest, answer the following question: What was your favorite craft as a child?
You can answer the question as a comment below, or by connecting with us on Twitter. If submitting an answer on Twitter, please include the hashtag #WinWithCraftFoxes.
The giveaway deadline is Monday, February 27 at 11:59 p.m. (EST). Good luck!
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