Christmas in July — Decorations to Make with Recycled Materials

Posted by on Jul 26, 2014

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mason jar lid christmas ornaments

Christmas in July is traditionally celebrated in the southern hemisphere, but mid-year holiday celebrations are held here in the states, too. From Las Vegas to New York, Christmas festivities have been popular this summer — Santa is one busy dude all year long! We thought it might be fun to give a nod to Christmas in July by helping you plan ahead for creating some "trash to treasure" Christmas decorations from recycled materials.

recycled christmas card house ornament
The heart of this little home is your stash of old Christmas cards. Make this lightweight, dimensional ornament spin with love, wherever it hangs.

paper cone christmas tree
With the core from a roll of wrapping paper and the pages of an unwanted book, you can make this sweet paper cone Christmas tree for your tabletop.

felted wool christmas tree
What can you do with old wool sweaters when they just don't fit anymore, or worse — when the moths attack? Felt them in the washing machine and turn them into this adorably fluffy Christmas tree decoration. This project is also a great excuse to go thrift store shopping!

recycled christmas village
Wrap and embellish your empty cereal and cracker boxes to create a cheerful holiday village for your mantel, or set up your merry little town in the center of a toy train track for a classic Christmas decoration.

decoupage mason jar lid ornaments
Decoupage circles of wrapping paper or old sheet music on to Mason jar lids, and in just a few minutes you have the makings for a retro-modern Christmas tree.

newspaper german star wreath
Recycle old newspapers, magazine pages or junk mail into folded German stars to assemble into this gorgeous, spiky Christmas wreath.

