Brilliant Ideas for DIY Lighting

Posted by on Jul 19, 2015

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Alexis Mire's Light

Lighting can be the most eye-catching feature of any room, creating a mesmerizing contrast of brightness and shadow. DIY lighting easily spruces up any room and can even help be a last-minute fix to impress guests.

Here are ideas for DIY indoor and outdoor lighting, eco-friendly solar-powered lighting and light-up decorative wall hangings.

Aesthetically pleasing lights can create a hypnotic focal point to turn around a drab room. With LEDs, there is no fear of the lights setting anything on fire. The majority of these lights are also extremely inexpensive, starting from $2. You may even have the materials lying around the house!

Alexis Mire's Cloud Light
Cloud Light
With some cotton batting, a hot glue gun and a paper lantern, you can make this beautifully surreal cloud in a few hours. Combining several paper lanterns together can create a more realistic cloud shape. Recreating this project only cost about $10 total. If you’re technologically inclined, use Arduino or other electronics to create a thunder effect.
Design Sponge
Straw Light
This Straw Light’s materials cost $2 if you have a light fixture. Few will guess that straws are the material, plus the fireworks effect of this light can have a strong presence next to a cloud light.
Can Light
If you are an avid collector of beverage cans, show off a prize piece in the midst of pitch black darkness by putting a tea light in one and piercing holes to emphasize the label or create an original pattern. A good nightlight for kids and adults alike.
The Craft Couch
Gourd Light
Gourds have been repurposed throughout history, and making a light from one is simpler than you might expect. Be sure to buy properly sized beads, although there is still some room for error. No matter what, the colorful end result will make you proud of your DIY abilities.
Glowing Rope Bug
Making a Glowing Rope Rug is good project for the crocheter, but is better used as a wall hanging since the rope lights aren’t meant to be walked upon. Rope light are an extremely versatile design element, since you can also string them underneath the counters to create a lighted path or a nightlight. Perhaps you could do both, or more.
Birdhouse Nightlight
Few things are as evocative as a birdhouse. Simple and financially reasonable to make, some of these birdhouse nightlights are sold for $90 on Etsy! Decorating is creative fun since it’s entirely based on your own taste, and when in doubt, put a bird on it.
Jellyfish Lights
These Jellyfish Lights won’t sting you, but they will stun your visitors. Delicate, elegant and surprisingly cheap, these lights are the perfect craft for the summer.

Let us know how it goes when you try some of these yourself! Don’t forget to comment if you put your own spin on these ideas.

