Best Videos for Learning How to Make Handmade Paper

Posted by on Jun 24, 2015

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Best Videos for Making Handmade Paper

From parchment to papyrus to cotton, humans have been practicing the art of making paper for thousands of years ... so it's about time you got in on the party. Whether you're looking to break into the craft full-time or just learn a few more tips and tricks, there's a handmade paper tutorial out there for any and all skill levels — so get started with this roundup of the best videos for DIY papermaking!

Using his homemade recycled paper as a backdrop, the DrunkenWoodworker enhanced some of his own photos with rustic, burned edges. It turned a printed photo into something even more unique!

Also check out his video on how to make your own mold and deckle!

Most papermaking tutorials out there show you how to make handmade paper from recycled paper products, but this DIY tutorial from Karen of SEEthnobotany is different. In this video, Karen takes us step by step from tree to paper ... and it's a fascinating process.

These two young crafters show that while one could use a fancy compressor or a full shelf of books to squeeze all the water from the paper mold... one can also use the weight of one small person! Make sure to watch this papermaking video tutorial to the end -- they've got a blooper reel. 

So you've made a few sheets of paper and you want to improve your skills? Look no further. Will of StormTheCastle, the most passionate papermaker we've come across, has created a few helpful papermaking tutorials on his site, most notably his video for intermediate papermaking skills.

If you're just starting out, he's posted a great beginner tutorial on how to make paper, too; it even includes step-by-step instructions to create your own deckle from scrap pieces of wood. 

So now that you're well on your way to making handmade paper, you're hungry to learn more about the art of papermaking, right? Well, try tuning into this comprehensive video series on the history and influence of paper led by Dr. Steve Mann, whose PhD is in Paper Science (yes, evidently they have that!), or watching this video of traditional paper making techniques.

DIY Paper Crafts, Handmade Paper Crafts, What to Make with Handmade Paper
With all that handmade paper, you're going to need all sorts of DIY paper crafts to fully enjoy it! May we humbly suggest turning your new treasure trove into paper luminaries, a feather necklace, paper tulips, or some extra fancy gift wrap? Or, you know, whatever you want, too.

