8 Beautiful Recipes for World Nutella Day

Posted by on Feb 02, 2016

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Nutella Croissant Bread Pudding

On February 5th, people around the world come together to celebrate a "condiment" loved by pretty much anyone with a slice of bread and a sweet tooth — Nutella. Part chocolate, part hazelnut, all-Italian (Ferrero launched it in 1963), this spread graces grocery stores in over 75 countries. Show your respect for the 9th Annual World Nutella Day by indulging in one of these fancy Nutella recipes. 

Nutella Croissant Bread Pudding
The Novice Chef
Nutella Croissant Bread Pudding

While this cake is pretty ease to make, it looks and tastes impressive and works as a breakfast or dessert. You start by spreading Nutella on a halved croissant and chopping it into 1/2-inch pieces. Layer the pieces in a baking dish and then prepare your custard mixture — which mainly consists of eggs, sugar, and dairy. Pour over your Nutella croissant pieces and bake for an hour. Serve it up warm, and you'll be praising Nutella for days.

Check out the recipe at The Novice Chef.

Black Sesame and Nutella Macaroons
Black Sesame and Nutella Macaroons

This Nutella recipe is probably the most complicated of the bunch, but we guarantee that you will receive compliments  as a result of your hard work. For those unfamiliar with the metric system, be warned that this recipe is in grams, so convert the measurements over before baking. Start by aging egg whites in the fridge, and then combine them with finely-ground almonds, sesame seeds and sugar to make a meringue that you will use as your macaroon shells. Once you've finished baking the shells, it gets super easy from here. Just spread Nutella in between two pieces, and you've got beautiful Nutella Macaroons.
Find the step-by-step directions at What's for Lunch, Honey?

Nutella Hot Chocolate
Nutella Hot Chocolate

The rich chocolaty notes in Nutella make it perfect for both sweet foods and drinks, so why not turn your favorite hazelnut spread into the tastiest cup of hot cocoa ever! With a tablespoon of Nutella and a cup of milk, this classic winter beverage tastes nutty and sweet in all of the right ways. Combine the two ingredients in a pot and simmer on the stove. Pair with whipped cream and marshmallows for the best hot chocolate around.

Get the recipe at Eat, Live, Run.

Sweet and Spicy Bacon Coated with Nutella
Sweet and Spicy Bacon Coated with Nutella

Chocolate and bacon — a fine combination. Nutella and bacon? Genius! This sweet, spicy, and savory recipe combines your favorite hot spices sprinkled all up on that bacon and then baked in the oven to the crispiness of your liking. Grab a spatula and a jar of Nutella and spread liberally. Sprinkle with some sea salt, and, now, your Nutella bacon is presentation ready.
Find the full set of directions at bell' alimento.

Nutella Truffles with Hazlenut
Nutella Truffles

To make these rich, nutty truffles, you'll only need some semi-sweet chocolate morsels, cream, Nutella, and hazelnuts. First, you heat the morsels, cream, and Nutella in the microwave, whip them up with a mixer, chill, and then roll into truffle balls. Toast up your hazelnuts and then roll your truffles in them, and you're done. It's such an easy process that you just might want to double it and take some into work.

You can find the recipe at Half Baked.

Nutella Cupcakes
My Baking Addiction
Nutella Cupcakes

This recipe upgrades the classic chocolate cupcake by stuffing the middle with Nutella and then topping it off with homemade Nutella buttercream frosting. Just bake your favorite chocolate cupcake recipe and hollow them out or use an injector to stuff with Nutella. Lastly, top with the easy-to-make buttercream Nutella frosting, and you've got extra nutty-chocolate cupcakes. You can make em' even prettier by topping each cupcake with a broken-up hazelnut chocolate bar.

Here are the full directions at My Baking Addiction.

Salted Nutella Fudge
Salted Nutella Fudge

A true chocolate lover has a special relationship with fudge. Add Nutella, and things just got complicated in a good kind of way. To make this delicious fudge recipe, you'll first need to acquire a double boiler or assemble one by stacking a mixing bowl above a saucepan filled with boiling water. Melt your buttery-chocolatey ingredients together, and then pour into a pan and let cool. Sprinkle with sea salt for added taste and presentation, and then cut your pieces into whatever size you wish.

Find the full recipe at Toffee Bits & Chocolate Chips.

Nutella Lava Cake
Petro Neagu
Nutella Lava Cake

Scrumptious and chocolaty, this lava cake will make all of your dessert dreams come true! Against basic ingredients like egg, milk, and sugar, the Nutella flavor dominants the flavor. Bake in a mug, and serve with whipped cream and ice cream for optimal deliciousness. Bon appetit!

Get the recipe here.

Make your love and affection official: Like the Nutella fan page and the World Nutella Day on Facebook. Want a cookbook and guide to Nutella? Here's the Unofficial Guide to Nutella.

