10 Tips for Reading Crochet Patterns and Instructions

Posted by on Feb 01, 2022

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10 Tips for Reading Crochet Patterns and Instructions

If you are new to crochet, you are bound to be inspired by the thousands of beautiful patterns online and in books and magazines. Reading crochet patterns is one set of skills and picking up crochet techniques are quite another. Here are 10 tips to make your pattern reading journey more enjoyable. 

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1. Always read the pattern from beginning to end before starting the project. 

2. Take note of any special stitch patterns or instructions. In high quality patterns, often designers will make special notation to help guide you through a tricky spot in a pattern. 

3. If you are making a garment for yourself or someone else, make sure you know your body measurements. 

4. There are many fine websites that offer information about crochet terminology, stitch abbreviations, chart symbols and video tutorials on various stitch techniques. Use these to fill in the blanks when you are not sure about a new technique. Stacey from Fresh Stitches shares this handy chart for reference and also videos for beginners


5. Always swatch to meet gauge. No two hands can create exactly the same gauge the same way, so you may have to go up or down a hook size to meet the gauge called for in a pattern. 

6. Make sure you are buying or using good quality patterns. It often is a case of “you get what you pay for.” Free patterns are not always the bargain they appear to be. High quality patterns have been tested, tech edited and formatted by professional designers to ensure that best practices have been followed. It’s worth paying for good patterns so you end up with good results. 

7. Do not substitute a different yarn than called for in a pattern without swatching to match gauge first!  

 Use highlighter pens and sticky notes to keep track of special instructions, stitch patterns and to keep your place in longer patterns. 

9. Need help with the pattern? Find an online community of crochet enthusiasts and ask questions or, better yet, search out local crochet teachers and take a class. 

10. Be kind to yourself! Everyone makes mistakes; no one is automatically good at any skill without time and practice. If you are tired or frustrated with what you are doing, put the project down and take a break. If you keep crocheting and making mistakes or your tension gets too tight the odds of you finishing a project aren’t good.

Don't forget to check out what free crochet patterns we have here on Craftfoxes. There are many that are great for beginners, this free crochet moustache pattern is our fav!

blogger and crochet expert Laurie A Wheeler
Laurie A. Wheeler is a lifelong crochet enthusiast as well as an author, blogger, marketing and personal growth instructor. She is founder of the membership service CLF 3.0 and the crochet social network Hookey and is dedicated to helping creative people fulfill their visions both on- and off-line.


