10 Spookily Awesome DIY Halloween Crafts
Posted by Oct 20, 2017
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Halloween might be marketed primarily to kids, but it's always a hit with grown-ups because of one big reason: Halloween is the only holiday without any pressure. Yes, you'll always have that one person on the block that turns their home into a haunted house. But overall, if you have candy to hand out, you're golden. So enjoy the build-up to the spooky day with this collection of simple Halloween crafts. Most are a piece of cake, a few might require a little more attention. But all of them are a totally fun way to pass the time.
First up is this charming ghost garland, which requires really minimal effort. Simply cut out ghosts from paper (we think of them as giant comma shapes), draw on a few faces, then string up on ribbon.
For a more advanced take on this craft, visit frytopia.

Ghosts not your thing? Here's a different, yet still spooky take on bunting. The spiders are made from burlap, hot glue and cheese cloth. You can go crazy with embellishments, but a simple "boo" will suffice. Find out more at Crafts Unleashed.

This cheery wreath is much easier than it looks, though you will need a ton of ribbon. Since we're still in the weeks leading up to Halloween, you can probably find themed ribbon pretty inexpensively. We can't stress this enough though: More is better. To create: Wrap a flat foam wreath form with ribbon. Then, snip a pile of ribbon to 5" lengths. Next, loop the ribbon and glue the ends to the form with hot glue. Repeat until covered.
To get a closer look at this craft, visit Married To A BMW.

Another idea that's deceptively easy: Edible mini monsters. You don't even need fancy fondant, either. Just cover marshmallows with melted frosting (the kind that comes in a can), then add candy faces. If you want ghosts, just choose vanilla frosting; if you want Frankenstein monsters, tint it green with food coloring. Get instructions at Finding Zest.

Almost as sweet as the edible monsters, this stitched candy corn can be pinned to any outfit. Imperfection is a-okay in our book. You can also make your own candy corn man. Just draw on a candy corn, adding an expression and limbs as you see fit. Then, stitch over the lines with embroidery floss. Want to get extra fancy? Try glow-in-the-dark floss. Yes, they do make it. Find out details for the candy corn pin at The Spruce.

This idea, of course, is absolutely perfect if you find yourself entertaining lots of kids. Unfortunately, you'll have to do all the carving. On the bright side, carving a potato is much simpler than carving a pumpkin. All you have to do is slice it in half, then sculpt a design. Just forget the kitchen knives and use a craft knife instead. You can also make these the night before, keeping the stamps in the fridge, stored in a bowl of ice water. Get info at Projects for Preschoolers.

Class Moms, listen up. You don't have to buy treat bags for the school party. Instead, upcycle grocery or lunch bags with this cute idea. Start by cutting the paper into squares, stitching each together on three sides. Then, glue on a felt "spider body," adding legs with a marker. Googly eyes are cute, but optional. We fully endorse the cyclops spider, seen here. Find out more bad ideas at Kim Vallee.

These pumpkin pins make great favors, while also giving you another opportunity to reduce your scrap pile. Make them by cutting out pumpkin shapes from orange felt, stitching them together (cotton filling is optional), then stitching or gluing on a brown felt face. A pin backing, added with hot glue, makes it wearable. Find out more at Busymitts.

More advanced than stitching together a pumpkin from felt, but easy if you know how to crochet, this little guy is sure to bring a smile. Remember, keep your stitches tight and use a non-nubby yarn.
Oh and it gets cuter: Check out this free (though a donation is suggested) pattern from PlanetJune.
Oh and it gets cuter: Check out this free (though a donation is suggested) pattern from PlanetJune.

How about a more rustic but entirely charming take on pumpkins? This "patch" starts out with a wood pallets that are sawed and painted. You can carve out the expression, but paint is just as nice. Now you have a beautiful decoration for the lawn or porch. Find out more at The Housewives of Riverton.


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