10 Fresh Party Ideas for St. Patrick’s Day
Posted by Mar 11, 2017
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Celebrate the Luck o' the Irish with these inspiring party ideas for St. Patrick's Day. From green treats to touches of gold, you'll love these festive celebration tips.

Why should Rice Krispies have all the fun? Break out the marshmallow clovers and cover them with melted marshmallow for a treat that will have leprechauns young old seeing rainbows everywhere they look.

Luck o' the Irish Party Table and Printables

Smaller bits of newspaper get rescued from the scrap heap with this easy DIY wreath. Paper leaves are cut, covered with Mod Podge and glued into a wreath.

These are just as amazing as they sound! I would eat every single one of these if I went to a party serving them. This recipe is perfect for St. Patrick's Day Parties but it is also very dangerous, don't say I didn't warn you! Find the Green Velvet Cupcake Recipe at Fantastic Eats!

This eye-catching extra has a secret: It keeps kids quiet. Designed with little ones in mind, the garland is made by simply folding pretty paper.
Get the free rainbow paper garland tutorial from Mini-eco.

Give your guests something to take with them. These gumball tubes decorated with green ribbon and St. Patrick's Day printables are just too cute!
You can find more about them at My Baking Addiction.

no. 2 pencil
With hints of mint, this fabulous copycat recipe for a Shamrock Shake will satisfy your cravings for the once a year treat. It’s a little bit like the McDonald’s seasonal standby, but without any mysterious ingredients.
Find the Copycat Shamrock Shake Recipe at No. 2 Pencil!

These are so clever! They are made from Gladware containers, just painted to look like leprechaun hats. Your guests will love these cute bowls and you can even give them away as favors.

Have a fun game using Hershey kisses and a few stickers. This will keep the kids busy for a bit, just don't let them eat too many!

A pastel palette in cool green and blue hues makes this garland appropriate for St. Patrick’s Day, but also through the warmer months. It’s also a great way to use craft paper.


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