Pretty Doily Projects That Are Still Pretty Amazing!
Posted by Jun 23, 2017
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Delicate doilies are not just for grandma's end tables. Crochet doily patterns abound, vintage doilies can be found in every flea market thrift store and paper doilies are great for lots of different crafts and decorations. Here are a few oldies but goodies that still make our doily hearts swoon.
If you've jumped on board the cupcake bandwagon and plan to have the tiny cakes at your wedding or fete, add a touch of DIY with these intricate-looking wrappers. You'll need paper doilies, scissors, a glue stick and, of course, some delicious cupcakes. Get the template for these wrappers on Intimate Weddings.
Start scouring antique stores for fabric doilies — this piece of décor is one bright idea you'll want to recreate. Apply a paper maché technique (think a blown-up balloon and wallpaper paste) to make the shell. Once dry, use a cord and lamp fitting, plug in and bask in the antique-y glow of your creation. Find the full how-to on Dos Family.
Doily-Impressed Bowl
Paper doilies are great for creating all kinds of amazing crafts, like this clay bowl from Sodapop Design. But fair warning - the instructions are not in English. The step-by-step images should still give you a good idea of the how-to.
Once you've found the lace doily of your dreams, consider yourself half-done with this easy necklace project. Just plan what part of the pattern you want for the focal point and make sure there are four loopholes are at the top for the chain. The unique clasp on this specific necklace — a sole typewriter key — adds yet another touch of unexpected vintage flair. For step-by-step pictures and downloadable instructions, head to Elizabeth Anne Designs.
It's simple: Lay the doilies flat in some plain, double-pane frames and let the artisan-inspired works speak for themselves. See this project and then some at Tangente Designs.


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